
Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Comey Rule - a belated film commentary

I got into a discussion with an old friend the other day about one of philosophy's most nagging questions: do we have free will? Are our thoughts and behaviors determined by forces external to ourselves - our upbringing, the values of our tribe, something the postmodernists speak of when they talk about "narrative"? Or are we free to choose those values, attitudes and beliefs we want to live by and is there such a thing as objective truth to guide us in making those choices?

My view is that while objective truth is often elusive, we are better off assuming such a thing does exist and acting accordingly. "Enlightenment values" - values based on the conviction that all human beings are born with equal rights, that man-made categories such as race and ethnicity and the hierarchies we build around them should not be what determines the rules of society we live by.

The post-modernist take on things - that we don't live by truth but by the stories we tell ourselves - has taken hold so thoroughly and so powerfully that our national debate in America is now determined by it. The Republican Party has been captured by a self-serving narcissist who has brought the country to the point where it is entirely possible it may surrender its 250-year pursuit of democracy, an ideal form of government sought after and never quite reached, because a critical mass of Americans have determined that the power of the presidency should be in the hands of a strong authoritarian leader, and that it doesn't matter whether that leader speaks objective truth, since objective truth, according to post-modernists doesn't exist anyway. What matters is law and order, control, enforcement of authority. 

I have a hard time listening to well-intentioned people bewail the polarization of the American electorate. What we need, they say, is an ability to compromise, a move to common ground, an acceptance of other people's ways of doing things. For me, it's not polarization that is the trouble, it's the willingness to grant authority to a strongman rather than pursue the hard work of living with our differences.

Democrats are beginning, at long last, to recognize that in a battle between principled and unprincipled folk, the bad guys have the advantage. If you don't have to tell the truth, you can persuade others to believe in conspiracies and expect to get away with it. Comedians - the people most of us get our news from these days - have had a field day satirizing Trump's penchant for making things up. But lost in the laughter is the fact that the polls show him neck-in-neck with Biden in the 2024 presidential race.

The response to this challenge, it seems to me, is for Democrats to fight fire with fire. I don't mean to play dirty, to lay out a parallel false narrative, but to give up on the idea of "reaching across the aisle." Ever since Newt Gingrich put in place the value of winning at all costs and making fools of naive legislators across the aisle from him, Democrats have allowed the Republicans to ride roughshod over them. I am delighted to see Biden begin to call out the dishonesty he is up against. Others in the Democratic Party should follow suit.

Another way of fighting back against deception of Trumpist magnitude is to take a cue from the Buddhist practice of regarding bad news and the dark side of life not as reality but as products of the mind, artificially constructed out of theoretical material. Rather than agonize over a world gone sour through human malfeasance, imagine ideas as if they were in a bubble floating before your eyes. "Oh, look," you say to yourself when somebody drives anger or deception in your direction, "there's a bubble of anger floating up there in the air. I've got some choices. I can take it in and let it wreak havoc with my state of mind. Or I can pop it.  Or just let it float around there in the air until it burns itself out and no longer feels relevant." Nothing is certain, say the Buddhists, except change. All things do pass in time.

I've had some success with this strategy of handling danger and bad news. I've been able to avoid pushing the panic button, take deep breaths, and repeat one of my father's favorite biblical verses: "Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof." 

Until this week, I was doing pretty well in following that coping strategy. But then I became aware that the Supreme Court was choosing not to deal with the question of a president's immunity from prosecution in favor of speculating over the danger that a president might not want to leave office for fear of such prosecution. So much for my resolve not to get upset over the American political scene. I'm taking seriously the claim that the Biden-Trump race is neck-and-neck and the only thing that would be likely to sway voters on the fence would be for them to see him actually convicted for one or more of his crimes. Or, at least, to hear the kind of information that would come out in a trial. Unfortunately, the majority of the members of the Supreme Court seem hell-bent on delaying any such trials, exposing their hand as political appointees to the court with a political debt to pay, rather than men (those furthering delay are all men) of integrity committed not to a boss-man but to the rule of law.

The Republican Party has noble origins. It was formed as a party of resistance to the spread of slavery. Today it has become a party of deceit and hypocrisy. It purports to be in favor of small government, but at the same time insists on controlling the reproductive lives of American women. It comes down on the side of gerrymandering and convincing black voters to stay home on election day. And it now even rivals Fox News, the propaganda wing of the party, in its politicization of the Supreme Court.

What - I repeat the question - are the democrats to do to counter this force for deception and opposition to democratic ideals?

The bare minimum, I think, is to keep up the democratic narrative, to use the postmodernist term. Tell the "story" from the democratic perspective at every opportunity.

To give you an example - one of the best I can think of - we can haul out the likes of Jeff Daniels. Remember him in that wonderful scene from "The Newsroom" where he shuts down the question, "Why is America the greatest country in the world?" with the answer that it is not the greatest country in the world, and ticks off the many ways in which it falls behind?  It is, ironically, the democratic analogue to what Trump appeals to in his "Make America Great Again" campaign - except that his approach is based on actual ways to bring back American greatness, not to bring back white supremacy, the goal the MAGA folk are after.

Daniels does it again, this time in a two-part (four-hour) series available on Netflix, which was filmed in 2019 and came out in 2020.  He plays former FBI director James Comey, who took the heat for Hillary Clinton's loss to Trump in 2016. Actually, there is an even more powerful impact in the series than Daniels'. It comes from Brendan Gleeson's brilliant portrayal of the Donald. I challenge anyone to watch this couple go up against each other without taking sides. Comey has been accused of being "too righteous," but the script should put that inaccurate charge to rest. A telling scene is the one where Trump invites Comey to dinner - just the two of them. Comey tries to get out of it by insisting the head of the FBI and the Chief Executive need to scrupulously avoid an appearance of a collusion between the executive and the judicial branches of government. Trump has no use for such rules and tells Comey he's expecting "loyalty."

All through the series one member of the judiciary after another voices their concern that Trump will ride roughshod over Comey's principles. Which he does, of course, and in the most dramatic fashion.

I can't improve on James Poniewozik's excellent review in The New York Times of The Comey Rule in September 2020.  If you want to dig into the story, I recommend that you start there.  I am departing from my once firmly-held conviction that the art of the film should not be politicized. The stakes are too high.

And à propos post-modernism, and to counter my friend's argument that we are all simply telling our own narratives - with the implication that there is no single objective truth to be had - let me observe that when Trump first took office and kept Comey on, he praised him for his work in exposing Hillary as "crooked." But when it came time for Comey to "show his loyalty," and Comey preferred to tell the truth about what was going on, Trump turned on him and declared he was no damned good from the start. That story lines up with what is actually the case. It's not two stories different according to perspective; one is true, the other isn't.

Take the time. Get a Netflix subscription if you don't already have one.

The Comey Rule is one of the ways Americans have of fighting back against the Trumpist tyranny.  It is a must-see.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Fellow Travelers - a film review


A good reason for watching Fellow Travelers is that it stars easy-on-the-eyes Matt Bomer. His co-star, Jonathan Bailey, doesn't need to hide his face, either. Another good reason is that it is a pretty decent history of the history of gay liberation as well as a powerful condemnation of anti-black racism in America from the witch-hunting days of Senator McCarthy and Roy Cohen's manipulation of American fears of communism, and the "Lavender Scare" in the 1950s through the years of the AIDS crisis to the long-time-coming general acceptance of LGBT Americans of the modern day.

Fellow Travelers is both romance and political thriller.  Brought to the screen in eight episodes by Paramount, the 2007 fictional story by Thomas Mallon follows historical events closely enough to come across as a documentary. In fact, there are moments that brought back such ugly memories that I was tempted to shut it down. You'll need to steel yourself against the reminder that America's susceptibility to proto-fascist authoritarianism didn't begin with the current Trumpist effort to replace democracy with a Führer-and fear-centered regime, but has been a risk since 1787, when Benjamin Frankin answered the question, "What have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" with the ominous words, "A republic, if you can keep it."

And it's not just the external political scene that makes this a difficult watch at times. The flawed characters of Hawkins Fuller, played by Bomer, and also of Tim Laughlin, played by Bailey, are reminders that heroes can take their time growing into their roles. Bomer and Bailey are first-rate actors, but watching them stumble and occasionally fall is often painful.

I wish the filmmakers might have told the story with fewer jumps back and forth in time; I don't like having to retain multiple story-lines at once. But that's not a criticism as much as a preference, and some will appreciate the way that story-telling method can layer the richness of the characters. Chronologically, the story of the lovers begins when Tim comes to Washington as a theology student and meets and falls in love with Hawk. Hawk is a user and a climber, very much at home in the world of Washington political hypocrisy. We are left to wonder what draws them to each other, Tim the earnest romantic struggling with the demands of his Catholic faith on his sexuality, and Hawk, the diplomat living a double life, with wife and kids at home, and seedy contacts with rough trade when he can get away with it. Hawk personifies the expression "fellow traveler" of the title of the story, someone whose silence in the face of wrong-doing, enables that wrong-doing. Originally popularized by Trotsky to refer to supporters of communism who wouldn't make the effort to actually join the party, it still works today as a synonym of "enabler," the sort of person that tyrants and other miscreants depend on to make their policies socially acceptable.

An important sub-plot is the relationship between Marcus Gaines (Jelani Alladin), a black reporter for the New York Post who runs up against a ceiling keeping black perspectives out of the news and his lover, Frankie Hines (Noah J. Ricketts), a female impersonator, who reminds us that gay life once existed only in dark alleys or on the outskirts of town. Marcus gives up, in the end, and goes to write for Jet, a publication for blacks, tying together the two liberation struggles - for racial and sexual identity. Blacks and gays can make it, as long as they stay in their lane as entertainers and portray stereotypes to maintain the illusion the customers are looking for in theaters and nightclubs, as Marcus learns when he is refused entry to a club where Frankie is performing. A hypocrisy not exclusive to America, but certainly characteristic of its cultural values.

Fellow Travelers has been described as "a journey from shame to pride," if not for the lives of its leading characters, for the evolution in the larger world.  I don't want to spoil the viewing experience for those who want to make that journey, but if you are already familiar with American history from the nightmarish McCarthy era through Vietnam and the AIDS epidemic, you'll be prepared to accept that a journey through history is often a bumpy ride, not for the faint of heart. 

But watching actors bring it to life on screen, as they do in Fellow Travelers, can make it a trip very much worth making, all the same.

photo credit

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Realpolitik or BS: Are these really America's only options?

While clearing out my e-mail storage, I came across this screed I felt prompted to write when Henry Kissinger celebrated his 100th birthday, a year ago next month.  Never posted it, for some reason - don't know why.

It still rings true to how I feel about the man, so let me risk beating a dead horse (what a horrible metaphor!) and send it now.

Mostly I'm trying to figure out what's worse. being led by a self-serving narcissist, like the charlatan now on trial in New York City, or being led by a proponent of Realpolitik, as Kissinger was - the notion that you can't fight city hall and might as well lie down in the road and let the enemy tanks roll over you. What a choice!  Surrender your better self to a liar-manipulator Führer type, because you see no reason to doubt the imagined paradise you want so much to believe in is reality.  Or congratulate yourself for seeing things as they are, and not as you'd like them to be.

If you go the Realpolitik route, you'll find yourself in good Republican company. I'm not talking about the morons like MTG but about those who your gut tells you know know better: the new crop of Enablers, led by the likes of Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, Republicans who represent not the party of Lincoln, but of his successor, Andrew Johnson, whose approach to reality was to act as if the Confederacy had won the Civil War. Less risky in the long run than running down traitors and putting them on trial.


"Sometimes you have to choke the dog to get the medicine down its throat."

I remember hearing a Japanese official utter that useful cliché when defending Japan's invasion of Manchuria, way back when I was first acquainting myself with recent Japanese history, as I prepared (not knowing what I was doing or where I was going) for a life in Japan.

To argue that the ends justify the means, that sometimes you have to do bad things to arrive at a good outcome, is the routine defence used by proponents of Realpolitik.

A parallel argument is made in philosophy discussions when you haul out the "lesser evil" examples in morality and ethics seminars. "If you see a train about to run over twelve people and you have the chance to pull a switch which would divert the train and make it run over only three people instead, do you pull the switch?"

People who say yes are utilitarians - people who say we should aim for the greatest good for the greatest number of people - and people who say no are Kantians - people who argue we should be governed by principles - and the overriding principle here is that one should never engage in any activity that leads to treating other human beings as a means to an end.

I prefer the Kantian approach; I retain the conviction that there is such a thing as evil, and that there are good guys and bad guys in the world, and that we should align ourselves with the good guys and "fight the good fight" whether we believe we will win in the end or not. I don't know who put that notion into my head. I probably got that conviction in Sunday School. Or maybe from my grandmother, who had a marvelously practical worldview and refused to let people complicate things she saw as simple and clear.

People are complex. Most people, even the good ones, do bad things at times. And one should, I think, not reject anybody out of hand.  I like the Christian narrative, in that regard, the notion that God forgives you and once he does he wipes away all your sins, the notion that plagued Hamlet and kept him from killing his uncle when he found him praying, because his goal was to avenge his father, not to facilitate the uncle's entrance into heaven.

On the other hand, I part ways with the Christians - and other people who tell you that forgiveness is good for you because holding a grudge will only eat away at your soul in the long run. I don't believe in forgiving people if they don't ask for it and show some evidence that they have seen the error of their ways. I place a much greater weight on the Jewish valuation of justice. Bad things need to be put right. Forgiving somebody who doesn't seek it and doesn't deserve it merely prolongs the injustice and maybe even encourages the wrongdoer to do wrong again. No, I'm in favor of arresting criminals and locking them up - if we're talking legality here - and shunning them - if we're talking simple morality.

Mostly I'm in favor of spotting the bad guys and reminding ourselves constantly who they are, watching to keep them from getting away with doing bad things. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, and others who have caused widespread misery need to be held accountable by history.

For reasons I've never fully understood, I've always found Augusto Pinochet to be the quintessential bad guy. If you don't want him in the Number One position, can we at least agree that he deserves recognition as a leading contender among the Bad People of History.

Right up there in my book with torturing dogs and cats is dropping people from airplanes into the sea - something that happened during the time of the Argentine dictatura, when Argentine, Brazilian and Chilean heads of state were all competing for the role of chief bad guy of South America. While living in Argentina, I was glued to the TV watching the trial of a priest who joined the junta's efforts to eliminate political opposition by throwing them from planes and helicopters. And according to a Guardian article in 2001, Chilean authorities followed the same practice. 

All of them, you can be sure, surrounded themselves with others who shared their mindset that, as harsh as their methods got, they were ultimately serving a greater good. Ditto Henry Kissinger.

And, while we're at it, let me give a nod to another Enabler of Henry Kissinger's ilk, Jeane Kirkpatrick. I once heard her coming out of a meeting with Pinochet respond to a question about what she thought of him, respond, "Amable. Muy amable." I maintain that it's not necessarily the killers who shoot or stab their victims who most clearly represent evil, but the enablers, the ones who make the wheels go round and justify it all under the rubric of Realpolitik.

To get back to Kissinger, now surrounded and celebrated by the likes even of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, I believe if there were justice in his case, he would be in jail as a serious war criminal. It is to America's undying shame that that man is treated like a hero.  One can argue that I'm being Kantian here when I should be utilitarian. But that's where I stand.

I will not say anything good about Henry Kissinger.

And, on that subject, let me suggest you have a listen to Mehdi Hassan's take on the man:

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Manhunt - a film review

I've just finished watching the first six episodes of Manhunt on AppleTV and am looking forward to April 19th, when the seventh and final episode is scheduled to be shown. It's the story of the pursuit of John Wilkes Booth, the confederate sympathizer who shot Abraham Lincoln in the back of the head and killed him for his efforts in eliminating slavery and holding the Union together.

It took me a while to get into the drama. As with every TV serial, it suffers from unavoidable flaws: the characters become tiresome because they keep making the same mistakes over and over again, the plot line is padded with irrelevancies, the characters change from good guys to bad guys and back again, often without discernible motivation.

I had trouble getting into Manhunt the first two or three episodes. The writing is loaded with anachronisms, the dialogue is hard to follow in places, and mostly I wanted to break away from the darkness of the world the story portrayed and retreat to something more uplifting.

In time, though, I got drawn in by the awareness that I was getting huge gaps filled in my knowledge of American history.  Good history can be as good as good fiction, especially when writers take liberties with it.  I learned the name John Wilkes Booth in a high school history class, as most American kids do, but it has never been more than just a piece of information useful perhaps when doing crossword puzzles or playing trivial pursuit, and nothing of serious consequence. I knew that he was an actor, and that's about it. Manhunt turns him into flesh and blood, somebody who matters enough to make you want to join a posse and dash off and catch him before he crosses the Potomac into Virginia and makes it back to safe ground in Richmond. It turns out the writing wasn't so bad, after all. Nor were the characters at all bland and indistinguishable from one another as I had thought there for a while.

Suddenly I had to pause the series and go to Wikipedia to get at the list of those characters. I knew Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's successor and I think I remember that he had been impeached for some reason, but I didn't know a thing about William H. Seward, or George Sanders, or Edwin Stanton. Or David Herold, or Samuel Mudd, or John and Mary Surratt. In the end, Manhunt is more about Edwin Stanton than about John Wilkes Booth. Stanton was the historical character the writer of Manhunt took the greatest liberty with. In reality he was a political opponent of Lincoln's who ended up joining his cabinet and becoming one of Lincoln's most trusted colleagues when he took on the job of Secretary of War. The Manhunt version of the man hunts Booth down and that's apparently fiction. What is not made up, though, apparently, is the counterweight Stanton was to Andrew Johnson.

The two men, Stanton and Johnson, fought over two of America's most crucial post Civil War challenges: how to go about reintegrating the rebel states back into the Union and what to do with the newly freed African slaves. Johnson advocated pretty much a forgive-and-forget policy with the states which had formed the Confederacy, and he was unmoved by the argument that the slaves lacked the ability to handle the responsibilities of the freedom they had just been given. Stanton felt justice demanded that treason be punished and that forty acres and a mule was the least the country could do to give black men and women a leg up in the challenge they faced now that they would be living alongside whites as equals.  It is one thing to remember that a hundred and sixty years since the Emancipation Proclamation we are still arguing over racism, segregation and the possibility of reparations. It's quite another to be taken back to a time when half the white men running the country barked orders at their black servants and called them by a name we today believe decent people should not even be allowed to say out loud in public. 

The revulsion that rushes over you at the depiction in Manhunt of white Americans coming to terms with the freeing of slaves in their midst puts the drama, even if it is partly fictionalized, in the same category as other films of recent years depicting slavery and racism. I'm thinking particularly of Lincoln in 2012 and 12 Years a Slave in 2013, and am sobered by the fact that a full decade has passed since those two powerful treatments of slavery in America were capturing so much attention. 

Manhunt is set in the historical period in which the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, was formed as the corrective to the failure of the founding fathers to pay more than lip service to the claim that "all men are created equal" in our founding documents.  You can't watch it without reflecting on the irony that that same Republican Party is now in the hands of white supremacists who want to "Make America Great Again." 

Does history have to repeat itself?  Is America destined to wipe out the society generated by Lincoln Republicans and replace it with one more in tune with his impeached "bring back the good old days" successor, President Andrew Johnson?

At some point watching Manhunt, I conjured up a vision of a Martian doctoral student doing research in Washington, D.C. for a thesis making the case that, although it took them over a century and a half, it was actually the Confederate States of America that won the Civil War.

Manhunt, it turns out, is not a downer to run from. It's the pick-me-up in the end I was wanting to search for.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Bumpy Night

The consensus of people in the know at the moment is that Trump is likely to win in November.

Too many people who would otherwise vote democratic will not because they don't want what they see as a doddering old man running the country.

Your vote doesn't matter, actually, unless you live in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia and possibly Nevada: 

The reason is our political system is structured not on the basis of majority rule, but so that the winner will be determined by the Electoral College.

Nothing you can do about that now. Not if you are going to insist we are governed by the rule of law.

I fit comfortably into the demographic of leftist Americans who fear a Trump victory is equivalent to the rejection of democracy, a victory for right-to-life Christian nationalists, corporate enablers of the "I've got mine" wealthy class who have succeeded in convincing a critical mass of Americans to believe it's the Democrats who are now the party of the rich. They do represent the more sophisticated better educated Americans, in fact, but this element of the population has now been successfully tagged with the label "elitist" and vast numbers of Trumpists take pleasure in blaming them for anything and everything they see as wrong with their everyday lives - high prices at the supermarket, high gas prices, rejection of traditional sex and gender roles, insistence this is not a Christian country, billions given away to fight wars in Palestine and Ukraine, to name only a few.

I've been arguing that we need to keep our eye on the ball, that we need to fear a Trump victory and vote for Biden despite all reservations about his suitability - whatever he lacks is not as bad a problem for the country as a Trump victory would be. And, by the way, if you have the capacity to look at his record objectively, he's done an amazing lot of good in the past four years.

But what ails us at the national level at the moment is that we have been led to believe that truth is elusive, that government is inherently not to be trusted, and that Trump - or somebody like him interested in tearing it down and starting over - is the solution to the current malaise.

Our media is not reliable. If you tune into Fox News, you get what amounts to the Republican propaganda ministry. If you tune into MSNBC, you get a bunch of political geeks talking not about policy matters but the horserace, who is in the lead here and there around the land.

From my perspective, the American justice system is properly functional and the charges against Trump are legitimate. He should be put on trial on 91 counts and if found guilty prevented from being relected president. From the perspective of a critical mass of Americans, truth is as he claims it to be and this is all a witch hunt. And given our lack of faith that there is such a thing as objective truth, you are free to embrace or reject either perspective.

What ought to be a healthy debate on important issues - how we spend tax money internationally and domestically, what things should be determined by government and what things should be left to the private sector, to what degree should we be the world's policeman, how important is personal privacy, to what degree do we try to control the internet and artificial intelligence - these issues are not front and center. What is are our suspicions, fears and special interests without regard to the general welfare of the country. To a great degree this was ever so and is nothing new. But I have the impression that we are living in unusually chaotic times, that things have gotten wild and out of control.

I think of Bette Davis - "Fasten your seat belts; it's going to be a bumpy night!"  (People think she said "ride"; she said "night" - Margo Channing, All About Eve, 1950.)

I know I can't get people to come around to my perspective; it's not in the zeitgeist at the moment to take others' perspectives if they don't have prior tribal approval. But we can at least broaden the range of discourse we listen to. That's my Plan B. If you're not going to listen to me, at least listen to more stuff.

Here are two bits of non-Fox, non-MSNBC stuff: The first is from UnHerd. Look them up if you don't know them. They claim to be a neutral source of information. I see them as right-of-center - but you already know I tend to take a left-of-center perspective, so figure that in...

The second is an all-out anti-Trump piece that gives me no end of pleasure.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Creating a safe place for Jewish kids in Berkeley

The bad news keeps on coming.

There's a real possibility that Trump may get re-elected president in November, for starters. There's the loss of the comforting illusion that the U.S. Supreme Court is an independent branch of government. Russia's got the upper hand in Ukraine, and Macron and Scholz are squabbling publicly over how to form a common European response to Putin. American media now accept as normal and routine the brazen lies that the Republicans in Congress openly spout publicly, night time comedians are openly grateful to them for providing them with a clown to satirize,* and there is evidence that lying openly is now acceptable American behavior. Then there is the feebleness of the will to stop pollution and support rapid development of renewable energy, there's homelessness, there's the dumbing down of American youth, aided by the Covid Shutdown and leading to the open embrace of ignorance as a positive virtue. 

And if that were not sufficient to drive you to despair, there is the capture of the Christian faith community by a political subset of the Evangelical Community committed to an authoritarian populist who speaks of his opponents as "vermin" and claims the flood of people seeking asylum in the United States are "polluting the blood" of Americans, in ignorance or denial of the fact that these notions are derived from the language of Hitler and the Nazis. And, not least of all, there is the failure of people all around to distinguish between Hamas and ordinary Palestinians of good will and between Benjamin Netanyahu's "take it all for Israel" right-wing jingoist policy and Israelis of good will. It leaves you breathless and profoundly discouraged.

It's all too much to deal with in a single response. Let me take up the last one only for now, the battle over how to frame the current Israeli war on Hamas in response to their surprise attack on Israel last October 7 and the capture of some 130 Israeli hostages. Hamas states they will be released when the 5200 Palestinians now in captivity in Israel are released. (Allow me some space here - I make no claim to accurate numbers, since they can change at any time.)

To bring this home, I have just read a forty-one page letter written by the Brandeis Center for Human Rights to the Department of Education complaining about the way the Berkeley Unified School District has failed to protect Jewish and Israeli students from sometimes violent and commonly intimidating anti-Semitism in Berkeley schools. As a life-long educator, even though I have no children in school, I feel this calls for Berkeley citizens to inform themselves and speak out.

And that, in turn, leads to the stone wall that is the discourse on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. You can't even ask the question, "Where do we start?" because by now it's clear the narrative you will become part of by taking a stance is so long and convoluted that you will be considered an enemy by the other side the moment you pick a starting place. And every outrage and injustice you point out on one side will be met by a "What about...?" question from the other side, citing a similar outrage or injustice perpetrated by them.

I have tossed in my two cents a number of times. In brief I have argued that the only reasonable approach to take is one based on today's realities, not on history filtered through the lens of religion or other ideological starting points. Israel exists as a powerful modern country. That has to be a given. People who call themselves Palestinians also exist.  Efforts to make them Jordanians or Syrians or Egyptians or push them out of their homes or bomb them out of existence only hardens their resolve and makes them cry out even louder for justice. If there is to be a solution, it will not be found in the extremist positions both sides take. There are Israelis and Palestinians willing to work together toward a mutually satisfying outcome; these are the people we should be identifying and then working with.

I know there are many arguing that reason doesn't work in America anymore, that you have to appeal to people's emotions, not their intellect. Maybe so. But I maintain it's not one or the other, but one and the other. Whenever anybody asks me to take an either/or approach, I automatically always find a reason to take a both/and instead. Better to cover all the bases.

If I had Aladdin's lamp I'd ask the genie to get the Berkeley High School faculty to remember their first priority is to create a safe place for those in their charge to learn and create knowledge. And their second is to remember the distinction between education and indoctrination, and to value argument as a means of persuasion over assertion. I'd also ask the genie to remind them and anyone else dealing with the Israel/Palestine question that there is space enough between the Jordan and the Mediterranean for both peoples. Neither has to be expelled. 

Education is a never-ending task. No sooner does one generation learn the importance of distinguishing between fact and fiction and between a person's ideas and their personhood than it falls upon them, in turn, to teach it to the next generation.

We yearn for reliable authority, for a leader to take us out of this mess we're in, (remember the German word for leader is Führer).  But we're on our own.

That's bad news if we continue to fail to make the proper distinctions between truth and lies and follow the liars. Not such bad news if we seek out and join with others of good will.

There's so much we can still do.

Start by writing Joe Biden and telling him to disassociate himself from Netanyahu and his policy of killing Gazans and encouraging West Bank settlement by Jews. Tell him to do it now.

It may swing the election in November, so it's not just the right moral step to take but a practical step as well.

If you're frustrated at all the things going wrong, do that. It's a small thing, but it's an important one.

*I appreciate that some of them - I'm thinking of Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, in particular, have taken the gloves off and their satire has gotten very sharp indeed - and I also appreciate the fact that Jon Stewart is back at it.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Focus on the Enablers

My friend Barbara, in Berlin, just sent me a clipping from N-TV, a German news channel similar to CNN (and, if I am not mistaken, CNN owns half of it.)  It is a report of the claim by the Russian governor of the oblast (province) of Kaliningrad that its most prominent historical figure, the philosopher Immanuel Kant, is responsible for the war in Ukraine.

Kaliningrad was once the capital of East Prussia when it was part of Germany and was known as Königsberg. In 1945, it was ceded to Russia, its German citizens driven out, and russified. Kant's grave remains a major tourist site, in recognition of his contribution to the history of philosophy. One of the first thing students of modern philosophy learn, (in contrast, I mean, with those who focus on the works of the ancients like Plato and Aristotle) is that one can be either a Kantian or a Utilitarian. A Utilitarian argues that the right thing to do, morally, is whatever leads to the greatest good for the greatest number or people. In contrast, a follower of Kant shares his view that the majority can often be mistaken, and believes that the greatest good is what is established to be good in principle, which is something we can come to understand by the use of reason. He argues that you should want to have happen to others only that which you would want to have happen to yourself, and that you should always see other human beings as ends, and never as a means to an end. Majority rule derives from utilitarian ethics; rule of law limited to agreed upon basic rights - constitutional rights, for example, regardless of the will of the majority - has a Kantian ethical orientation.

So much for the Philosophy 101 lesson. Here's what the N-TV article is about:

Anton Alichanow, the governor of Kaliningrad Oblast (province), made the pronouncement three days ago (last Friday, as the Moscow Times confirms,) that Kant was a moral relativist whose works have enabled the West to take a relativist ethical stance which allows it to violate all the agreements it has made with Russia, a culture which Alichanow insists is "based in values (sic!)."  Russia is therefore provided with a justification to step in and correct the situation (Go get'em, Putin. Go get those corrupt Nazis).

Like any wild theory, you can find a grain of truth in what he is saying. The Americans, after the war, stopped (more accurately: slowed down) the active pursuit of Nazis and turned its focus onto making friends with the Germans, allowing Nazis to get away scot free in many cases, in order to form a strong anti-communist front, while Russia could claim the mantle of being ongoing fighters of fascism.  That anti-fascist claim was then extended to the Soviet-run East Germany, which claimed that all the ex-Nazis had fled to the West, a grossly oversimplified view of things, and quite inaccurate. Today this view of the former Soviet world of good guys fighting the nazi bad guys of the west has come alive in Putin's justification for his "military incursion" - and call it a war and you go to jail.

Alichanow is enabling the Putin justification for invading his neighbor in precisely the same way Trump's enablers support his claim that January 6th was not a coup attempt but a simple case of angry citizens expressing their displeasure about the 2020 election. I repeat. In Russia you can go to jail for calling an invasion an invasion.  Give that a moment of thought next time somebody asks about the power of words.

You don't need to take an advanced course in philosophy to recognize that Alichanow's claim is not only false; it is the exact opposite of the truth. Alichanow is a vivid example of the Big Brother mentality in George Orwell's 1984, whose main character, Winston Smith, works for the Ministry of Truth. The dystopian world has been taken over by authoritarians intent on complete mind-control. They have persuaded the world that "war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength."

After hearing Trump call for Russia to attack any NATO country that is behind in paying its NATO dues, and after watching Tucker Carlson sit and be instructed by a half-hour lecture on a butchered version of history by Vladimir Putin, I wrote Barbara that I was ready to leave the planet as soon as I could locate my keys. She wrote back that she wanted to come along.

I remember so vividly the first lessons I got in political theory as a teenager. I was working part-time after school in a shoe store owned by a man who had ideas that challenged the ones I was coming up with. My ideas reflected the Republican views of my father; Mr. Campbell's were the views of a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. According to my father, Republicans were people who worked hard and lived an honest life, while Democrats were corrupt inner-city politicos who made crooked deals that enabled them to hold onto power. According to Mr. Campbell, Republicans believed the only people you could trust were those who put their self interest first. Do-gooders inevitably got corrupted. The best form of government was minimal government and we should take our lead from the marketplace. Democrats were concerned with things like social equity and community welfare and preventing the poor from falling through the cracks. Those conversations in the back of the store when there were no customers and all the shoe boxes had been reshelved gave me a democratic political orientation I hold to this day, some seven decades later, give or take.  Sorry, Dad. I'm going my own way.

I respected my father and it hurt a little to find myself pulling away from him.  The alienation only increased over time for reasons other than political ones and many years passed before we could find our way back to relating to each other. We did, fortunately. He lived to 84, and there was time for us to mend fences. The advantage of a long life is that one can do that with a bit of effort. I have done the same with others I have had serious differences with, especially over religion and politics. I still have a positive orientation to life, still believe one can find common ground when working with others of good will.

My problem these days, however, is that this condition seems to be getting more elusive by the day, harder and harder to find. How are Israelis and Palestinians who are willing to share their corner of the Middle East to deal with Jews who believe God intended for them to have the whole thing and with Palestinians who believe killing every Jew in sight is God's will? How are we to "negotiate" with Putin who insists he is not an aggressor in Ukraine but a savior of ancient Russian territory from Nazis led by a Jewish man named Zelenskyy? 

Finding common ground will always remain the most noble of political goals, I think. Anybody interested in making the world a better place must necessarily work to find compromise, if not complete agreement. But there are times, such as when perpetrators of violence try to run you down, when you have to fight. Even Gandhi recognized that Hitler was not a man to be reasoned with.

I can of course be wrong about this, but I am persuaded that we are making a terrible mistake in loading Donald Trump down with all the wrongs of American political life at the moment. I think of him, despite his crimes and lies and conspiracy theories, as more of a clown than an American fascist.  The latest one, in which the Trump enablers are attributing Taylor Swift's influence to a conspiracy by the NFL rather than her simple desire to show her support for Democrats, is only the latest of many times when you don't know whether to laugh or cry. Another is the evidence that when the Democrats finally put together a plan for dealing with the immigration problem even better than the one Republicans might come up with, Trump puts the breaks on, because a success this big would be seen as a Biden success and Trump would rather sabotage it than let Biden get that credit in an election year. Is it possible to get clearer evidence that Trump is willing to keep the agony of the immigration problem alive if it leads to his personal advantage? Is it possible to get clearer evidence that his motives are self-serving than when his lawyers claim that he has the right to kill his political enemies and get away with it unless he is first impeached - especially when we know that the cards for impeachment are stacked in his favor? The evidence piles up - and still the Enablers enable. Still the right-wing politicians stand idly by. Still the supporters ignore the evidence.

It's easy at times to draw parallels with Hitler and Mussolini, and Orban and Duterte and Erdogan and Kim Jong Un and Putin and Xi Jinping and all his other authoritarian models of strength and power - he draws them for you, in fact!. But I think the focus should be on the people who make the wheels go round, the "Enablers." The apologists, the Republican Congresspeople who value their jobs more than their party and their party more than American democracy. Just as the child abuse scandal in the Catholic Church showed, it wasn't that handful of sexually frustrated priests who were the problem, but the Bishops who shuffled their troubled souls around, enabling them to go on abusing kids in a new location rather than exposing their crimes because it could damage the image of the church to do so. It was the Enablers. Capital E. Wrong-headed thinkers.

The outrages perpetrated by Donald Trump have increased, seemingly at a geometric rate, from the merely unkind - the way he mocked a New York Times reporter with a disability - to cuddling up to Putin in his call for him to attack NATO allies in arrears, a potentially catastrophic international move, if he gets to carry it out. But still, despite it all, we are faced with polls which suggest that Americans could actually put this guy back in charge of the executive branch of government. Few things blow the mind as effectively.

Debates over the proper size and heft of government is one thing. Talking with people who are likely to vote for Trump and use the excuse that Biden is too old, is another. Not the same level of discourse. Not the politics I first encountered as a teenager.

And there is an additional wrinkle in the fabric. Yesterday's New York Times carried two opinion pieces, one by Maureen Dowd, the other by Ross Douthat, that pushed the view that Biden really is too old to hold the office.  Which prompts me to ask, are they too Enablers? Or are they doing their job in a principled way, asking tough questions which are deeply unwelcome at the moment? I honestly don't know and would like some more honest debate by people making arguments on the basis of evidence, and not on gotcha ideology.

How did we get here? How did we get this close to discarding this wonderful two-and-a-half-centuries long attempt to establish a "more perfect democracy"?  We could well do that in November, toss out a system of checks and balances and replace it with a one-man show run by a craven narcissist. Reject constitutional (Kantian) principles - not for the will of a misguided majority, but for a minority of self-serving politicians - and their Enablers.

What happened to that excellent world of civil debate and passionate argumentation where we could hope to find common ground? Where people of good will could agree to disagree and trust that we could live with our differences?  How did we enable liars and conspiracy theorists to take control of our lives and reduce us to these least worthy versions of ourselves?

God, we've got to fix this.