I’m also an internet-maniac – no news there. I knew when I got up this morning that,
since it was afternoon in Germany, Gauck had probably given his first Bundestag
address by now, so I went to YouTube, typed in “Gauck Rede” (Gauck speech) and
there it was, right at the top – “Erste Rede” (first speech). Just checked. It’s now down to position #15. Apparently this speech has gotten people interested in other
speeches of his.
In reading the commentary on his speech it took no time at
all to find his detractors. Just
more moral “Kanzelgesülze” (pulpit
drivel), snarks one reader. Others complained that he was making
money off his speech tours. Many
take exception to having a clergyman as president. Still others (my people, I have to admit) squirm over the
prospect of having not one, but two, conservatives as head of state and head of
government. “The revenge of the
German Democratic Republic” rails one idiot, entirely missing the point that
neither Merkel nor Gauck “represent” the former DDR. They are two of its most notable misfits.
One person complained about the way a president is
elected. He or she is selected by
a special commission of notables, including all the members of the
Bundestag. “It’s not democratic,”
the person complained. It’s
comforting, I suppose, to note that it’s not only in the U.S. where people do
not understand how representative democracies work and that turning all
decisions over to everybody town meeting style is not the only way to go – and
not even a good way to go, necessarily.
That stuff says so much more about the deliverer of the
criticism than it does of Gauck himself, of course. I’m chuckling to myself regularly these days that I’m waxing
so enthusiastic about a Lutheran preacher. What happened to my proclivity to fling doodoo first and ask
questions later at organized religion? Being preached at is nothing new for Americans, of course. We are cursed by mindless
evangelicalism and the arrogance of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Preaching morality spills out of the
churches and into the common space as the stuff of public policy. “Values voters” we call them. Reminds me of that line falsely
attributed to Goebbels – “When I hear the word culture I reach for my
gun.” (It comes from a play, and
it was “I reach for my Browning.” – for you trivia fans). Anyway, I don’t go for guns, so when I
hear “values voters” I reach for an airsickness bag.
But listen to this guy when he talks of values. “I’ll never miss voting in an election
as long as I live.” These are not
values a preacher shouts down on you from on high – shame on you homosexuals,
shame on you women who enjoy sex….
They are values you know came from living under a totalitarian regime,
values from bitter personal experience.
Urging fellow citizens to participate in democracy, rather than
surrender to cynicism and despair.
Pulpit drivel? Could you
possibly get it more wrong?
Others are afraid he’s going to be too conservative. I understand that, too. Lots of East European immigrants came
to America and went straight into the Republican Party because they were
persuaded only the militaristic confrontational stance of the Republicans would
do the trick – so agonizing was their time under the communists.
One notes in passing that the other contender in the
presidential race was a Nazi hunter.
You might fear, if she had been elected, that there would be too great a
swing to the left. Critics of
these candidates do a terrible disservice to both of them with charges like
these, and overlook the fact that their real goals are to prevent a return of
totalitarianism of whatever stripe.
I have started into Gauck’s memoires, Winter im Sommer,
Frühling im Herbst (Winter in Summer, Spring in Fall),
(another technical wonder – I heard the title, went to Amazon and found
it on Kindle - from hearing the title to reading the book took about five
minutes.) After his father was
“abgeholt” (taken away) – he makes a point of saying they always used abgeholt, and never verhaftet (arrested) – his sister came home one day with Christmas presents she had gotten from the youth group, the Pioneers.
His Aunt Hilde took them, threw them on the floor and stepped on them. “If somebody asks you when you’re going
to join the Pioneers,” his mother told him, “You tell them when we know where
father is and when he’s coming home.”
Gauck’s hostility to communism may have an intellectual component, but
this tells you, at least, that it was nurtured in bitter personal
experience. That he should spend
his life telling his story should come as no surprise.
Gauck’s inaugural address to the Bundestag was the shortest
on record, just over twenty minutes start to finish. He touches all the bases – European unity, the radical right
and terrorism, the responsibilities of citizens in a democracy. But he clearly is into giving
encouragement over warning, the important distinction being the focus on the
future and a sense of optimism.
Hope he can keep it up. The cynics will tell you he has no real power. He’s just a figurehead.
Yes, of course.
At one point in the speech he faced Christian Wulff, the former
president, who had just vacated the office in disgrace that Gauck was now
taking over. Gauck addressed him
personally and thanked him for his work in assuring that minorities in Germany
will feel as much at home as anybody else. That’s not two, but three birds with one stone, as I see it. He separates the modern German
state from the two dictatorships the world associates with it, where minorities
were persecuted. He singles out
this man Christian Wulff as having accomplishments worth recognizing. And he calls attention to the smoothness of the transition from
one leader to the next in a democracy. Despite the scandal, he does this in a way that lends
a full measure of dignity to the process.
Not a bad start, I would say.
picture credit: Berliner Morgenpost: http://www.morgenpost.de/politik/inland/article1935480/Gauck-spricht-in-seiner-Antrittsrede-klare-Worte.html