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Thomas Hitzlsperger, right, playing for Everton (UK) |
I came across an article in the Munich paper, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, this morning that made me feel good. It's the story of the coming out of the footballer (or to use the American term: "soccer player") Thomas Hitzlsperger.
Coming out stories are not as noteworthy as they once were, even when they involve professional athletes, and I might have simply read it and moved on. But the Süddeutsche made a big deal out of it, attaching several other articles to it, including interviews with Hitzlsperger's colleagues and other professionals, and read in the aggregate, I found it a real upper.
There has been a serious setback in Utah. I don't know whether the Supreme Court is moving tactically toward a clear victory for LGBT marriage rights, as the optimists are maintaining. Possibly. Possibly, too, this is a more serious longterm setback. In any case, it's the end of a great run of victories on the gay liberation front, a sobering moment, and watching the shark-feeding frenzy by the religious right over this win for their side, I needed a bit of an antidote. This article did it for me.
played for several teams in England (Aston Villa, Chesterfield, Everton
and West Ham) and for Lazio in Italy, as well as being a big name in soccer in
Germany (Wolfsburg, and the German National team) where he played in the World
Cup in 2006. He retired last September
after a series of injuries.
Here’s the interview transcribed for non-German speakers, in case you’re interested. I trust I am not breaking any copyright laws here. If I am, I will of course take this down immediately. The transcription and translation are mine, so any errors you discover will be mine, as well.
If you want to watch it on video, it’s
available in German here.
There is a 10-second intro. And then the interview:
Warum bekennen Sie sich
jetzt zu Ihrer Homosexualität?
Why are you
acknowledging your homosexuality just now?
Für mich ist es der
richtige Zeitpunkt, weil ich vor gut sechs Monaten aufgehört habe, aktiv
Fußball zu spielen. Ich stehe vor
einer neuen Lebensphase, und möchte einfach die Zeit nützen, auch über meine
Erfahrungen zu sprechen als homosexueller Fußballprofi.
For me it was the right
moment, because I gave up playing soccer actively a good six months ago. I’m starting a new phase of my life and
want to use the time to speak about my experiences as a homosexual soccer
Warum haben Sie sich
als aktiver Fußballprofi nicht zu ihrer Homosexualität bekannt?
Why didn’t you come out
while you were an active soccer professional?
Es war für mich ein langjähriger Prozeß, das halt
auszufinden. Zu Beginn meiner Laufbahn
war ich mit einer Frau in einer Beziehung ganze acht Jahre, und erst danach,
als ich allein gelebt habe, ... mir, ich habe Gefühle für Männer, ja, und
ich möchte auch mal mit einem Mann zusammenleben. Aber das hat eben sehr lange gedauert, und
deswegen war das für mich nie ein Thema in der aktiven Zeit als Fußballprofi,
das zu bekennen, oder überhaupt darüber Auskunft zu geben.
It was a long process
that took many years for me to find that out.
At the beginning of my career I was in a relationship with a woman for
eight years, and only afterwards, when I lived alone, did I realize that I have
feelings for men, and that I would like to try living with a man. But that took a long time, and for that
reason it was never a topic for me to take up while I was active as a soccer
professional, or to give any kind of information out about it.
Hätten Sie sich auch in
Ihrer aktiven Zeit zu Ihrer Homosexualität bekennen können?
Could you also have
come out during your active time?
Natürlich hätte ich das tun können. Aber bei mir hätte die Bewusstwerdung eben
länger gedauert. Ich denke, aber, daß
junge Spieler heute, die sich vielleicht viel früher im Klaren sind über
ihrer Neigungen, die es eben tun können – die können darüber sprechen, die können offen
damit umgehen, weil sie auch sehen an meinem Beispiel, dass man sowohl
homosexuell sein kann, auf der einen Seite, und auf der anderen Seite, ein
erfolgreicher Fußballer und das soll
auch jungen Spielern Mut machen.
Of course I could
have. But then the consciousness
raising would have taken even longer.
I think, though, that young players today who are maybe aware much
earlier about their tendencies, they can do it. They can talk about it, then can be open
about it, because they see my example of how one can be both homosexual on
the one hand, and on the other hand a successful soccer player. And that should give young soccer players
Herrscht im
Profifußball ein schwulenfeindliches Klima?
Is the atmosphere in
the world of professional soccer hostile to gays?
Diese Frage kann ich
nicht eindeutig beantworten. Ich kann
nur sagen das es homophobe Äusserungen gab, es wurden Witze über Schwule
gemacht in meiner Gegenwart auch, aber ich konnte auch mitlachen, wenn der
Witz gut war. Es ist, im Gegensatz zum Rassismus, schwieriger zu beurteilen, weil beim Rassismus weiß man ganz klar,
gegen wen der Haß sich richtet. Beim
Fußball gibt es keine bekannten Homosexuellen. Und daher ist es schwer zu sagen, ob es
wirklich schwulenfeindlich ist. Man muß
abwarten auf den ersten/die
ersten Fußballer, die sich bekennt zu ihrer
I can’t answer this question
unequivocally. I can only say that
there were homophobic remarks. There were jokes told about gays in my
presence as well, but I was able to go along and laugh, when it was a good
joke. It is, in contrast to racism,
harder to judge, because with racism you know very clearly whom the hatred
is directed at. In soccer there are no
recognized homosexuals. And so it’s
harder to say whether it’s really hostile to gays. We will have to wait for the first gay or
lesbian soccer player to acknowledge their homosexuality.
Haben Sie erlebt, daß “schwul” als Schimpfwort
benutzt wurde?
Have you had an
experience where “gay” was used as an expletive?
Ich habe es ab und zu erlebt, wenn es darum ging, einen
schwachen Paß zu umschreiben und da sagte man ganz gerne mal ein “schwuler”
Paß. Eben man denkt schwul sei weich, schwach,
und das traf auf mich nicht zu, weil ich war bekannt für einen harten Schuß,
für ein gutes Paßspiel, und deswegen ist es ein ganz klarer Widerspruch, über
den ich im Nachhinein immer schmunzeln konnte.
From time to time, when
it was a question of talking about a weak pass and people would like to say
a “gay” pass. That’s because people
think of gay as soft, weak, and that didn’t apply to me because I was known
for my hard shots, for good passes, and so it was a direct contradiction that
I could laugh about later.
Was für Reaktionen erwarten Sie jetzt?
What kind of reactions
are you expecting now?
Darüber könnte ich jetzt
spekulieren, aber daran habe ich keine Interesse. Es ist auch für meine Familie und für
meinen Umfeld unwichtig, daß ich über meine Homosexualität spreche. Wichtig ist es nur für die Leute, die
homophob sind, andere ausgrenzen auf Grund ihrer Sexualität, und sie sollen wissen,
sie haben einen Gegner mehr.
I could speculate about
that now, but I’m not interested in doing that. It’s also unimportant for my family and for
those around me to have me speak about my homosexuality. It’s only important for those people who
are homophobic, who shut others out because of their sexuality. And they should know, they have one more
Perhaps even more interesting (to me, at least) than this
interview are all the other videos linked in the Süddeutsche Zeitung article, to reactions to Thomas’s
coming out.
Here’s a sample from one of the links, comments from Herzlsperger's colleagues. Not
an exact translation this time, but a summary:
1. Arjen Robben, Bayern München – For me personally, I find that totally normal that he has
outed himself. Fantastic. Really good. When I look around and listen to all the
discussion about it I think to myself, “What’s to discuss?” He outed himself and that’s all there is to
2. Sebastian Kehl, Captain, Borussia Dortmund - I was a little surprised at first, but then I
was glad that he had the courage to come out.
I think we should stop with all this excitement about the whole
thing. It’s something natural…
3. Hans-Joachim Watzke, Business Executive, Borussia
Dortmund – What’s the big deal? As a
football player, he has a huge bunch of fans and I can only join them.
4. Holger Badstuber, Bayern München – A whole lot of respect.
Yeah, with soccer it’s not a topic we like to talk about much, but
privately everybody can do what they want.
He’s decided he wants to express this, and that’s perfectly in order,
and we will tolerate it.
5. Magdalena Neuner, Biathlon – world record holder - He didn’t have to do this. He could have quietly gone his way. But he wanted to do something for the other
athletes and to provide an example and to fight for the right of gay people to
move around more freely and be open about it when playing the sport.
6. Arjen Robben (again) – I could out myself as hetero if I
wanted to. For me it’s exactly the same
Just another day in paradise.
Not really. But if
there were to be “just another day in paradise” it might well include things
like this.
1 comment:
Since I posted this, I've come across an interview Hitzlsperger did with The Guardian - his English is near-native - in which he says almost word for word what he says in the interview here. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/jan/08/thomas-hitzlsperger-reaction-david-cameron
Hitzlsperger is also the topic of discussion on Maybrit Illner's talk show (in German) on January 9th: http://maybritillner.zdf.de/
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