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top left: Jean Cabut
top right: Bernard Verlhac – “Tignous”
bottom left: Stéphane Charbonnier – “Charb”
bottom right: Georges Wolinski
I’m still following the discourse on the Charlie Hebdo killings. It may be just because this killing bothered
me more than most things lately, but I think it seems to have struck a nerve
all around. And the response is all over
the map. It’s hard to know where to
start in picking through the pieces.
Teju Cole has a powerful piece called “Unmournable Bodies” in the January 9 edition of The New Yorker. That’s as good a place as any. Cole lived in Nigeria till age 17 and it is
evident his view of things is helpful in broadening our perspective.
Cole’s New Yorker piece made two points I think are worth stressing. One, that it is possible to defend the right to obscene and even racist speech without
promoting or sponsoring the content of that speech. And two, that when we’re done giving the
horrific event its due, we need to avoid hypocrisy and admit there are other
horrors equally worthy of our attention, and some of these are of our own
What I think comes out of the accumulation of facts behind the
Charlie Hebdo massacre is that there
is no way to speak out on controversial issues without making enemies, and
without looking like you are in bed with the wrong side. It’s like when you march in a protest for a
cause and discover you’re marching next to some idiot with a sign rooting for a
different cause, one you’re loathe to be associated with. You’ve simply got to insist on your right to
agree with disagreeable people, and hope people will give you time to explain
that just because you agree with part of what they say, you don’t necessarily
agree with it all – or even most of it.
I commented the other day on something Arthur Goldhammer
said – that we should not “sacralize” the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo since it
would be betraying their life’s work of desacralizing everything. I thought that if you focused not on their
intentions but on their accomplishments, that their iconoclasm, labeled
foolishness by so many, could also be seen as heroic. That put me at odds not only with Goldhammer,
whose speaks in a voice I resonate with, but with several of my best friends,
as well, who argued that I was the one, not Goldhammer, with the wrong set of
Trouble is, no sooner do I hear myself say that free speech
is the greatest of freedoms than I come across an article by Rabbi Michael Lerner
of Tikkun who argues that liberty is merely prelude to the right of an individual to see
the sacred in everyman, and I find myself shifting a little bit. Not really, since I still have trouble with
“the sacred,” but I sense the wisdom in the man’s understanding of human
behavior, and am reminded that there are times when one would do well to talk
less and listen more.
OK, but what am I to do with my gut feeling that there
really is something about radical Islam that is different from other radical
fundamentalisms, that religion (all religions) can be the source of inspiration
for compassion and kindness, yes, but also for violence and destruction. Why should I go on listening to protestations
that the limitation of women’s rights in Islamic countries, the fatwas, the
armies of ISIS and Al Qaeda are something to be swept under the rug as “not the
real Islam.” Why is the real Islam not the actual lived Islam, the attempt to bring back
the caliphate, the widespread insistence that the sharia should take precedence
over civil law? And, while we’re at it,
are the men in silks and satin, the magisterium and tradition of the Church not
the real Christianity instead of the
words of a rabble rouser long ago who urged us to sell all we have and give to the poor?
The problem, of course, is that if I pursue that point of
view and argue that the most conspicuous of toxic religions capturing our
attention today is radical Islam, the inspiration behind ISIS and Al Qaida, I
quickly find myself in bed with the likes of Dinesh D’Souza, one of America’s
most notable right-wing ideologues. And
of right-wingers generally, including conservative talk show host Steve
Malzberg, on whose program D’Souza appears in this YouTube video. Liberals (i.e., my people) defend Islam; only conservatives criticize it.
And when I probe for more of Malzberg’s opinions, I find
myself siding with him as he interviews the British radical Islamist Anjem
Choudary. Choudary asks Malzberg if he’s Jewish “so
that he knows who he’s dealing with,” and I am put off. But then, as they talk, my sympathies for
Malzberg give way to sympathy for what Choudary is trying to say and is not
being allowed to – that the west has not done right by the Muslim Middle East and that
whether one considers their violent response justifiable or not, it should not
be dismissed as unexpected.
My point in spades: you can’t be surprised when you nod in
agreement over the declaration that Hitler built the Autobahn. Here I am agreeing with the radical
fundamentalist who defended the 9/11 attackers, calling them “magnificent martyrs” and who argues for the implementation of the
sharia across Britain. (No!) And who makes the case for the Charlie Hebdo event being a natural understandable
blowback response to western imperialism and the murdering of Muslims and Arabs
by the United States, Israel and others.
Then I come across an article by Maggie Gallagher in her new
incarnation as senior fellow at the
American Principles Project. Remember Maggie? Maggie G was the central voice of opposition
to the rights of same-sex couples to marry, founder of the National
Organization for Marriage before turning it over to Brian S. Brown and throwing
up her hands in defeat and moving on.
(By the way, she’s not the only rat to leave the sinking ship. Go to their website these days and it’s as if everybody is in hiding: unless you know to type in /about/ after
the url you will find nobody willing to identify with the group.) She has admitted her life’s work against gays
and lesbians has gone belly up, but continues to bang on about the importance
of Roman Catholicism and the need to spread its values. Now she’s on the side of those who would
downplay Charbonnier and the other Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, because she’s a
friend of the sacred, she tells us.
Freedom of speech be damned.
Can’t mess with the sacred. And
oh, by the way, “I believe Mohammad is a false prophet,” she assures us.
And just when I
think I’ve finally found somebody I don’t have mixed feelings about,
somebody I can disagree with all of the time, I come across this: She won’t
join in with all those claiming “Je suis Charlie Hebdo.” Because he’s a blasphemer, and not a hero,
Well, no. “I am not Charlie Hebdo,” she tells
us, “because Stephane Charbonnier and his colleagues were heroes and I am not.” Because she’s safe and Charbonnier put his
neck on the line. Damn. It’s like my father used to nag at me, “Even
a clock that is stopped is right twice a day.” She blogs here if you’re interested.
And who is Maggie
currently at odds with? David Harsanyi, whom I agree with much of the
time. He’s a libertarian, and supporter
of gay rights. Islam is not mocked
enough, he tells us. Should be mocked
more. Right.
And supporter of
Glen Beck.
In the past couple of days, I’ve taken the position that the
principle of free speech is so basic, so important to freedom generally, that
it must be defended at all costs, and run aground with friends who argue that
prudence is the better form of valor, that one needs to show good taste and not
be offensive, and besides, only fools put red flags in front of bulls and
complain when they charge. I find my
fervor cooling and come to see the wisdom of the opposite opinion, that people
have the right not to have their sacred cows insulted, that women should not be
harassed by whistles and catcalls, that gays and blacks should not have to
endure hate speech, that Jews should not have Nazis parading through their towns. And then I remember how I celebrated when the
Supreme Court insisted that such freedoms are at the heart of our
constitutional rights.
It’s been an interesting couple of days, trying to get perspective. I have not changed my mind on very much. I still think the United States is a killer
force with a self-destructive foreign policy, that drones kill innocent people
and Guantanamo and torture make us hypocrites and Dick Cheney is a war
criminal. I still think that free speech,
including the right to say stupid and offensive things, is as essential to
democracy as security is, and maybe even more so, and that without it we will
never get our democracy back. I think
information is necessary as well and Edward Snowden is a hero, as are the Charlie Hebdo four, and the Germans are
right to recognize that and we Americans are wrong not to.
I’ve learned a lot more of the lay of the land, where people
stand and what they are willing to fight for, and I’m happy to report my
respect for friends who disagree with me still goes up in my estimation when
they do so.
It’s been a bumpy ride and I’m looking forward to riding
some more.
1 comment:
I found the following AP story interesting, esp the excerpt below:
"He was countered by a Saudi journalist on the panel, Mshari al-Thaydi. "But the question is, why is it Muslims who get so angry and kill and blow things up? The French magazine insulted the pope, the Dalai Lama. ... Why do we express our anger in this way?""
One key factor is the Quran itself and the Sword Verse in particular. Until Muslims renounce the Sword Verse, and acknowledge the bloody manner in which Islam was established in Arabia, Islam cannot hope to be seen as a religion of peace.
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