Monday, January 31, 2011

So you voted against single-payer healthcare?

A Federal judge has just ruled that our new health care plan is unconstitutional.

Well, I could have told you that.

If we had single payer healthcare – that’s another way of saying a national health care plan, where every person in the country has access to medical care and we all share the burden of the cost, each according to his or her ability to pay – we'd be more like the rest of the world where "compassionate conservatism" is not just an empty slogan. We would live less in fear of getting sick. We would not have to listen constantly to that little voice in our head that says maybe Calvin was right and rich is the same as smart and favored by God and we’re not rich because we’re lazy and stupid and who are we to tax the rich, anyway?

If we had single payer healthcare we would be of a mind to remember that our founding ideology was a humanist one, where each individual counted, instead of having to live in a broken down democracy where those who interpret the constitution tell us corporations, who no longer even have to be made up of Americans, by the way, can use their wealth unhindered to influence the election of people who make the rules.

If we had single payer healthcare we wouldn’t have to stand by as our congress actually votes to return us to the day when thirty or forty million people are without any health care at all, when you can be refused coverage simply because you need it, where you can lose it if you actually use it.

We don’t have single payer health care because our president, who went to the wall over healthcare instead of closing Guantanamo, instead of getting out of the treasury busting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, instead of fixing the runaway greed of Wall Street, said he could never get it through congress. And why? Because the insurance industry owns Congress.

We don’t have single payer healthcare because too many Americans believe liars like Michelle Bachmann who call it socialist and are too stupid to realize that it’s no more socialist than public schools, public libraries, social security, state issued marriage and driver’s licences, a national post office, and government regulation of how much arsenic you are allowed to put in children’s school lunches.

What we do have is a law, which when it goes into effect, will require citizens to make already wealthy private insurance companies wealthier still. By making them buy their insurance plans.

And now, a federal judge, has declared that that law forcing citizens to make wealthy people wealthier is unconstitutional.


It all makes sense in the end.

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